Get Ready To Embrace The Nature. :)
Let’s follow me to continue my journey in Hang Zhou! =DD It was turning evening and the sun was setting. I always think the sunlight during sunset is the most beautiful ever!
On our way to Yue Miao(岳庙), which in this case is 纪念岳飞的庙。=)) Some really beautiful pictures taken on the way!
The stairway leading up to the temple. We didn’t know how high it gonna be, we just keep walking upwards!
The really awesome hut I loved! It emanated some sort of aura, don’t you think? It was sooo special! And there were some lavender-look-alike flowers beside it too!
There should be a statue but kinda washed away as the years passed.
Continued going upwards.
Almost there! Pictures with the Tower! It’s not the temple yet though, it’s called Ren He Ta (仁和塔), a tower in the middle of our journey to Yue Miao.
Hahaha.. Ignore my stupid face. XD
At first sight, this tower had the European feel. Isn’t it? XD
T________T I’m afraid of the height.
Stunned when I climbed up the rock and looked down. OMG SO HIGH!
The very top of the building makes it looks more Chinese! =) Washing away its European mode.
More rocks to climb.
Orange juice for energy!!
GYAAAAA! Look at how high we were!!!!!! Took this pic on the top of a rock without any protection. T_________T
Look at the ppl climbing the mountain. The guy on the left was soooo courageous, look! He was climbing the steep rock with bare hands! O.O!!!
Finally going down!! Look at how steep it was! My boots wasn’t equipped enough for mountain climbing. T.T It was too soft and slippery, so it was a treacherous trip going down!
I had to go down here. O.O
Fine, I’ll do it this way, the safest! LOL!
Ahhhhh, finally a decent road to walk on!!!
Back to the world where staircases existed! XD
A Bar in the middle of the forest. O.O
Help me to hold my bag pls, I wanna go toilet~ XDDD

5 mins later, all freshen up. XD
This is the “gate” of the temple! Though weird thing is we couldn’t see any temple at all. O.O Just this gate thingy. Hmmmmm.
Btw I declare this the best shot of the day! It’s like a beautiful out-of-the-world scenery inside a photo frame!
Going back. Saw this interesting woman selling the Mister Potato spec which you can blow and had moustache like the pic below! XD
When she isn’t blowing it, no moustache. LOL. “Miss, do you wanna buy one?”
A kid trying out the spec. XD
My fav place again!!! Really really beautiful!!
The sun is setting. At the side of the lake.
Another AWESOME SHOT! I love the fruits growing on the branches. Like little “stars”!
Sunset of West Lake.
End this post with a super blurry picture of me before boarding the train! LOL!!
My whole body is soooo sore now, but I felt so fully charged and energetic! This trip is truly awesome and I felt myself pulled closer to Mother Nature once again! =))))))