I ♥ colouring. =)
Zi said dis pic's cute, izzit? O.o
Water Colour!
Future Artist. =.=
Ignore the bikini in the center. Focus on US. haha.
Zi looked nice here. ^^
a very random pic of us.
Sin Yue will love me for the "kiss our lovely JAY CHOU" phrase.
Focusing hard.
My role as the photographer...
1st come 1st serve.
Nice Pic, Zi! (: The RESULT!!!
2 hardworking ppl.
They were busy cutting out bookmarks, and I was busy taking pics. haha. =.=!!
Sin Yue's Nephew (Baby Hao) wasn't here today. So I took pic of his tiger soft toy.
We cut these designs out, and sin yue's dad would leminate them tonight into bookmarks. ^^
My First Fav Bookmark:
Best Friend is a sister Destiny forgot to give us. ♥
My Second Fav Bookmark:
Hot China Lady. ♥
My Third Fav Bookmark: I'm not afraid to fall.
It means I climbed too high.
Either way, it shows I tried. ♥
The moment Sin Yue got the call from Mr Yip to cancel the tuition tonight...
Finally she stopped shaking.
First poser, Zi Ying.
Second poser, ME.