Remember who's Tar? He's our dear Thai friend. Haha..
We celebrated his birthday today instead of on 7th of January because Jiun Hui would be going back to M'sia at 5th. So Tar decided to celebrate it earlier! ^^
Btw, this was lunch at Xin Xiang Hui. (A restaurant) :) I loved the Blueberry Aloe Vera, SUPER REFRESHING KAY? Totally love it. And then Tar decorated it. Haha.. Nice one!
Me and the empty plate of the Blueberry Aloe Vera. XD Only ice was left.
Huhu.. Could you see the Sunflower Smiley face? Yummy, I loved blueberry!!!
Hehe.. And then Jiun Hui and I went to Raffle's City on the pretext of meeting my uncle there. The real thing was we were trying to get a cake for Tar! :)
The funniest thing was when I make a fake phone call to my uncle in front of Jiun Hui and Tar, well, you know.. Just to make the pretext looked real. XD
"Hello, Uncle? Meet at Raffles City? Oh, ya sure.. ya sure.. I'll be there in 5 minutes."
*Jiun Hui almost choked on her tea.*
*Tar looking blurred*
"Ok... Ok... see you there.. Bye Uncle."
Call ended, and Jiun Hui was trying hard not to laugh. And Tar was like, "Huh? What's so funny?"
Huhu, so we went to Raffle's City and got the cake from BreadTalk!
At first we wanted to buy a Hello Kitty one, but too bad it was out of stock! T.T
It was sooo super duper pretty, that one. Though I wasn't sure if Tar would like it! Ahahaa.. It was too girlish! XD
So we got him a Chocolate Blueberry cake with a bear's face on it. :)
We secretively went to the 3Top Bar and Restaurant for Asian Cuisine (Yeap, the name's that long if I'm not mistaken) to put the cake. :)
And we got back to change. XD
Around 7.30pm we went to 3 Top with Tar. XDDD
The awesome thing was there were all sorts of Asian Cuisine, including Thai, Malaysian, Japanese, Indonesian, France(Eh? It shouldn't be included in Asia right?) and so on.
Btw, we were okay to order anything we wanted, coz Tar was treating us for the day!
That was why he only invited us, coz he gonna bankrupt if he invited too much ppl! :D
3Top was awesomely beautiful, and it was pretty dark, with only a candle-lit thingy on each table. So yeap, Here were some low quality snaps. :)
I tried to take pics of what we had eaten, but too bad it was too dark. Sob.
Anyway I'll try to list them out.
1) Salmon Mango Salad.
3) Fish (eh.. I dunno wat it called but it tasted heavenly)
4) Spicy Bullfrog
5) Sago Pudding
And each of us ordered a glass of cocktail.
MAN, it was the first time I tried a cocktail. So I chose one with a pretty name: Angel Face.
Jiun Hui ordered Sex On The Beach. And Tar had Mojito.
GAWD I was cheated by the name. X.X Angel Face didn't taste as sweet as it sounded.
It was such a strong bitter alcohol that I choked at the first taste. So I gave it to Tar. He said it was delicious. O.O He was good at having alcohol you see. Haha...
Jiun Hui's Sex On The Beach was much better than mine. It tasted just like Orange juice with a lil bit of bitterness in it. Though she gave it to Tar too in the end. Haha.. Coz we both were not used to alcohols. XD
So yeap, Tar had 3 glasses of different cocktail today. XDD
And then it was time for the cake to make its appearance!
The waiter and the boss there lighted the candles and took it towards us. And yeap we sang Happy Birthday song for Tar together. :)
Tar, you're 24 this year! Getting older! Hahaha!!!
Some snapshots of Tar and us and the cake. Haha..
Cute cake right? :)
We had to take out these chocolate decorations before cutting the cake.
Haha.. Just now my pic with Tar was ruined by the candle light, so yeap took again. Look at the half-eaten cake. Haha.. We lighted the candles again just to take pictures. XD
Uhh.. failure. The candle light just didn't want Tar to look good. Haha...
Anyway I was still happy coz I looked good. XD hehehe..
Maybe switching place would be better. And yeap. :) Now it looked better. Though I was the one ruined this time. Haha..
Haha.. Thanks Jiun Hui for being the photographer!
Happy Birthday Tar! :)