Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Valentine's. ♥

Yes yes, I know Valentine's Day is over, but I'm still super happy! :)))
Coz I got my belated Valentine's present today.
Thanks dear! :) I love you.

Gorgeous red box. :)

Pretty silver bracelet.
It's real silver.
Man, I still dun believe it. X.X

Haha.. okay messy hair. XD Anyway just focus on the bracelet enough. xD

We had gone through lots of things together.
There were unhappy things and fights as well, but I'm glad we're still together. :)
I you.

New Friend Signs. ♥

^^ I did 2 friendsigns for Pianogirl Hui and Princess Rianne as a token of gratitude. :)
Thanks for being my FFS sisters! ^^

Lol. I spent a long time editing the pics. XDDD
Want to make 2 special ones for them. :D
Hope they'll like it!!!

Haha.. seems like I really like to make animated friendsigns. XD

Here's my friendsign for Pianogirl Hui. :)
My hair is kinda messy in the 3rd pic. Haha..

And this one is for Rianne! ^^
Trying to show her my love. Haha..

Lol... :)))) Having fun~

Eye Pads!

Haha.. Got this belated birthday present from Ying a few days ago, and only update about it today. :)

Aloe Vera. :)
I tried out the Cucumber one last year. haha.

Cute card from Ying.

Huhu~~~ ♥♥♥

Actually eye pads should be put on my eyes, but then I can't see where's my camera focusing.
So put them on my cheeks. :DDDD

Hmmm.. I look sooo funny with the 2 pieces of eye pads on my face. XD

:) Thanks dear Ying for the present!!!! :DDDDD Mwahxx!