Thursday, August 13, 2009

72% Accuracy. Which type are you?

My mum and I went to a lecture given by a psychiatrist at SJK (C) Kuala Kemaman. :)
He told us lots of interesting stuff that we had never thought before and gave us some funny tests to see which kind of person are we.
There were altogether 12 participants? I'm not so sure. :D

Anyway, I think this test is fun! I can know your personality by observing the way you hold a pen or pencil. ^^
People are weird. They have their own way of holding something which they feel is the most comfortable. So let's see which type are you! ^^

If you're someone who hold the pen very close to the end of it.
It means that you're a strict person.

If your thumb overlap your index finger, like what you see below....
You're the type of person who enjoys praises and compliments.
Showering you with compliments will make you work harder. :D

On the contrary, if your index finger overlap your thumb, you're someone who loves compliments but doesn't dare to show it out or simply can't express it.

Haha.. This one.. I seriously doubt if the handwriting will be legible if you write that way.
Anyway, some people DO write like that.
This kind of person are extremely STUBBORN.

This is another weird one. :D It's like holding a fist when you write.
Beware of the people who hold pens like this.
They are shrewd and calculative...
They'll do whatever it takes to get what they want.

Em.. There're some people who hold pen like this too! As if there's an EGG inside the palm.
So you can see the empty space between the palm that can be exactly occupied by an egg.
This kinda person is lonely and there's a hollow space in them.

This is the calligraphy style! You guys learn Chinese Calligraphy right?
Okay, so some ppl hold their pens as if they're writing calligraphy too!
This kind of person has complete self control! :)))
It's a good one. ^^

Haha.. It is pretty accurate!