Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Switched back to my younger side. XD
Too much ppl commented dat I looked hot, sexy or mature due to the facebook primary pic I put. Lol.
Actually it's great coz I can choose to be both mature or young at the same time due to the weird nature of myself, which is I have a kiddy face and a super tall body. XD

haha.. Eben actually said I'm a kid with a premature body. Annoying yet funny at the same time. XDD hahaha.

Made a hair treatment today. XD So take picture of my smooth hair. hahaha.

Okay this is lame. XD

Didn't catch the light right. Soooo.. yea. XD

Will go KL tomorrow if there's no obstacle. Gonna visit my bro.
He's having an operation right now.
