I have finished the first 2 white books [The Wedding and The Sky Is Falling], and they are awesome. I guess I just love white colour books! Hehehe.
Anyway, these books can wait. I have better ones below....
Tadaaa!!!!! Thanks Yi Zhen!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs and Kisses for you! Lol.
Yi Zhen said she didn't want to read them anymore, coz she thought they were pretty dull for using 3 books to describe Bella's and Edward's feelings. Plus each one of them is as thick as a normal dictionary. Lol.
No la, the main point is her sis listened to the whole story on Youtube [someone actually read the whole series out and put his/her recording on youtube] and told her the whole story, so she wasn't that enthusiastic to read them anymore. XD
Wheeeee~~~ Now I can read them all! Hopefully they are as good as what most of the people say!
Kisses for Evonne for lending me Marley & Me. T.T *bows*
I am a dog freak and a story about dog is going to melt me into water. XDD
And that's the Inkheart I got from my cousin, Wen Jie.
So now I need to finish all those Twilight series, Marley & Me AND Inkheart FIRST. :)
Shouldn't be too long. Lala.
Books are my life line. ^^