Saturday, January 17, 2009

Between Love & Like. Taken from You Gan Er Xie. ♥

"爱没有先到先的的, 但爱也不以年历来计算吧?爱总是在喜欢之前...但爱总是在一刹之间.喜歡容易找,愛不容易尋 .喜歡是用感覺,愛是用心 .
喜歡是一種欣賞,愛是一種付出. 喜歡和愛感觉就在咫尺千里。



你會希望陪在你愛的人身邊, 看他在你面前睡得如此安逸甜美毫不設防的樣子,你會微笑,會覺得好幸福。



喜歡和愛其實只有一紙之隔,任何愛都從喜歡開始,當有天你突然發現,你喜歡的那個人在你眼中不再完美,而他的瑕疵正如月中的桂影一般 讓你更加依依不捨,你會覺得與他光彩照人的一面相比,你更願意看他在你面前無助的表情,不知道是不是應該祝賀你,總之,你的感情昇華了——仰慕不是愛,甚至不是喜歡,當你對一個人只有仰慕之情時,你們在一起便失去了和諧。"

Credits to the blogger Patrick.
I love dis post so much!
And I definitely think he's absolutely right about it!

[Between love and like. Oh such big difference! They might seem slight, but the impacts are huge. This post is inspiring.]
♥ ♥♥

What Is That?

Today I went out with CY to Yellowtown to buy something.
When we were on the pathway to Vern's, I almost stumbled upon a tall specky guy.
I guess he aged around 19 or 20 something.
It was like he wasn't trying to give way to me.
There were a few guys a few paces behind him.

Geez, he's a head taller than me.
I felt weird as he walked straight on me.
I stopped and he stopped.
I heard he said something.
"Miss, er... I..."
I didn't really listen to him and walked away, because I didn't really know he was talking to me. =.=!!!

Me and CY went into a shop and bought the things we wanted.
When we got out of the shop and were about to walk to CY's car, the guy popped out of a candy shop.
He stopped me by calling, "Miss, miss!"
I was startled.
He walked up to me and said, "Er.. Miss, my friend wants me to take your phone number."
I was like WAT THE HELL?
So I looked at him questioningly.
He repeated, "My friend wants me to take your phone number."

I looked at CY, and then back at him.
"May I know who he is?"
He gave me a very illogical answer.
"Er.. I forgot what's the name already.. But.. but, he wants me to get ur phone number."

I became alert at this because all these didn't make much sense.
So I replied him politely, "Uhm.. Sorry, I dunno him, so I can't give you the number. I gotta go."
Then I quickly walked off with CY.

When we were crossing the road, hell, the guy ran after us again.
"Miss, miss! Wan Ching asked for your number!"
I just told him, "She got my number already. I'll sms her. Fine. Bye."
Hello, Wan Ching was in National Service now.
She got my number a longggg longggg time ago.
And even if she lost it, she could get it from her girl friends. duh~
AND I would rather sending the number to Wan Ching herself than giving my number to some unknown strangers. X.x

He better get Wan Ching beside him next time if he tries to get my number again. :((