Usually I'll choose to eat something good when I'm moody. Lol.
Or rather, Jiun Hui prefered it that way, so she dragged me off to eat at a famous restaurant yesterday.
I don't really know how to translate the name of it, but I took a pic of the tissue packet, so don't worry. :)
The restaurant was full house that day, and we were lucky to get a place. It was famous for the soups. :DDDD
Hot and tasty soups!
Here were the food we ordered. ^^
And here's the name of the restaurant if you're curious. :D
Jiun Hui and me~
It was the first time I went to a karaoke. Lol. I know it sounds funny but it's true.
And it was fun!!! We sang whole-heartedly and I was glad to find that I actually could sing a lot of songs!
XDDD I sang Poker Face by Lady-Gaga as well. It just sounded sooooo not me. XDDDD
We stayed until 2am. X.X
So long for a moody day. XD