Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yan Wan Qian! :)))))

Yan Wan Qian is coming to Kemaman for a Qian Chang Hui! God I forgot how to translate that into English. XD Whatever~ Lol.

Yue, Ying and I was so impatient to get to the hall that we went out for dinner around 6.30pm while the concert would only start at 8pm. XD
As usual we went to KS.
Ying looked super cute that night in her purple dolly outfit! She straightened her hair and gosh it looked so much longer! ^^

So some pics in KS with Ying! Thanks Yue for taking them! Muacks!!!

We got to the hall around 7.40pm. There wasn't much people there at first.
So yea, we took pictures again. XD

We saw Khai Leng there. Of course I took the opportunity to take pictures with the sweetie! ^^

Friends forever!

Qi Qian was there too! ^^

Yan Wan Qian had a great voice and singing technics!
She got 10 As for her spm too! :) And she's just 19 this year. Cool!

Everyone trying to shake her hand! I managed to get a light touch of her hand! yay. Haha.

Pics with leng leng ying. :)

Wan Ching, Yue, Me, Ying, Qian!

Whee~~~~~ We took pics with Wan Qian! There were too much cameras we didn't know which one to look at. That's why everyone seemed to be looking at different directions. XD


KA's Annual Concert 2009!

28/3/2009 was KA's annual concert!
I didn't perform in it but I did went for my Piano Solo ATCL Distinction Award. :)
The concert was great!
Mr Nicholas Pendlebury and Miss Deniz performed Schubert's Fairy Tale and it was superb!!!!!
They gave us Masterclass that afternoon and gosh, I was soooo glad they came! I learned lots of things! :D

Yong Wei played Moses. He done a really great job in only 2 weeks. I was like omg when I listened to his playing. :)

Everybody worked hard for the masterclasses and concert. Their hardworks definitely paid off really well! Congrates to everyone!!!!!

So now pictures time!

Yong Wei and me before the Annual Concert.

Lovely Ee Hui and Me! ^^ hehe. I love chatting with her!

That's Jee Sheng's fingers and Qi Xuan took the picture for us. Kelvin's mum took our picture from the side with flash, so that was the result. O.o
Jee Jung and I.

Me and Ee Loe!!!!

Yay! here's Do Seik! ^^
Super tiring but satisfying day! I missed my dinner but thanks Mrs Khoo for bringing us out for a great supper!!!!! Happy Birthday to Kakak Nik! ^^

Testing Out My New Phone. XD

Lol. Yea ppl, I got a new phone. Glad to have it. Not a super expensive one la. I love it though.
So now I can take pictures whenever I want!!!!!
My friends turned out to be my victims! Haha...
Thanks Yong Wei, Kelvin and Jee Jung for taking pictures with me! :DDD

[ps: you guys can straightaway take the pictures from my blog okay? Just click it to enlarge! ^^ I'm lazy to upload it in facebook la. Thanks guys!]

Me and Yong Wei! ^^

I took the most pictures with Kelvin. Coz we were POSERS. :DDDD
You'll understand wat I mean when you keep looking down. XD

Haha. Kelvin's mouth kept on "senget" to the right. XDDDD

I acted like I was bullying him. First shot.

Lol. 2nd Shot! I love this shot! My face somehow magically "senget" ady! I dunno how I did that. And Kelvin's espression was superbly pitiful. XDDDD

What are we looking at? Why look so shocked?

I laughed so much and my hair got kinda messy when I took pics with Jee Jung. So sorry I know I didn't look Okay in the pic below. XD


Me and Xin Yi. She's soooooo cute, yet really CHEEKY. XD Love her a lot!

Love this shot.

She was super cute when she grinned like that!

Hoh! Scary!


Lol. This one is another cheeky boy - Aiman.


Lots of credits for all my "victims" above! Muahahahahaa!
I love my new phone. XD