Just want to show you guys the electrostatic force acting on my hair over here.
It is pretty annoying, but according to my hair stylist it's all because of the super dry weather here.
He says, *let me quote*, "Your hair seldom undergoes chemical processes like perming or reponding, so you have really healthy hair. The thing is it gets static too easily because you have very smooth hair that dries easily. Especially in this kinda super dry weather, the water evaporates too fast and your hair gets too dry."
Uhh.. so that's what happened.
And tell you something amazing, there are cracking and hissing sound when I brush my hair.
I am kinda afraid that it gonna catch the crackles and got on fire!
Luckily it never happen.
Here's a pic to show you how my lovey dovey hair sticks to my hairbrush like no tomorrow.
Okay another one, this one clearer. ps: I love the edit of this pic. hehe.
That's why I really need a good hair conditioner to keep my hair in its best shape.
This is what my hair stylist introduced.
Schwarzkopf! (I know it's a popular brand, but HEY, can someone out there tell me how to pronounce it? =.=)
I love it. :)