Saturday, September 27, 2008

WisHeS FoR My DeAreSt Zi YiNg..

I know your birthday is tomorrow. Still I send you my early wish!

I wish you:

~ Happiness Always.

~Cheeky Always.

~Never be sad or moody.

~SPM Straight As!

Keep on smiling! Don't forget, we are always by your side. :)

I you!

H.A.P.P.Y B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y!

Our Teeth ♥ ♥ ♥

Question Of The Day: [Hyper IQ Challenging]

Guess whose teeth is it???

Think before you scroll down for the answer!
Don't cheat!
Tadaa~~~~!!!! Answers given!!

Xixi. Zi Ying. Chia Ying. Sin Yue.

Have A Nice Day Everyone! ^^

The Future Artist Of The Low Family.

The pics below are drawn by Low Pei Chen, Anak Mr Low yang terkecil. ^^

.: Jiang is his brother. XDDD Chen's pretty good in drawing anime figures. :.

.: I absolutely think this one is cool. :.

.: He said the first one is him, and the other two are his classmates. :.

.: He showed me a book. Translation for the subject : Chinese Essay :.

.: The moment I flipped open the first page... @.@ :.

.: Second and third page. @___@ :.

.: Ultraman oso got. @______@ :.

.: I finally realised this is his gaming book. :.

Lol. Find another proper drawing book la, Chen. XDD

Don't use the Chinese Essay Exercise Book.

Pity your Chinese teacher!

ps: Nice drawings! Keep it up!! ^^

My Dearests...

Pics Taken When I Was Still Stuck In Kemaman Hospital...
My three lovely girlfriends were choosing presents for me!
.: Remember the dog on the right?? ^^ Love it :.

.: Haha.. Dis one really za dao. Zi Ying chose the card which said: Have A Good Time. =.= :.

.: Both of them choosing cards too! Dear Yue and Ying. :.

.: F1 Kemaman! Haha.. I know, it's in The Store! :.

Thanks dears. I really appreciate it. ^__^

Another Home-made Drink. ^^

Today Zhen passed me another drink -----> The Red Bean Drink!
It tasted a.w.e.s.o.m.e.
I'm sooooo blessed. :)

Check Out My Brother's Apartment. XDD

.: My brother's room. There're comics in the cupboard! :.

.: My shy shy Jun Yang Bro. him! :.

.: His apartment at the 4th floor. Nice view! :.

.: It might not be the best house, but I like it. ^^ :.