Lol. I gotta pass my form to KW just now and my mum was going to fetch me to his house.
Suddenly I said, "Hey! Why don't let me drive? Remember? I got car license!"
Mum was soooo glad that she wouldn't need to drive coz she was totally worn out.
She quickly flashed me the car keys and offered to sit beside me, just in case I went nuts panicking.
At that very moment, dad came down the stairs.
Mum reacted like she saw her saviour. [ps: She's absolutely tired. And desperately need some sleep.]
"Great! You're here, just great! Now take care of your daughter when she drives ok? I gonna go sleep."
"Owh no... no way. Let me drive her there." Dad groaned at the thought of me driving.
"Come on, no harm letting me drive right? I can't let my license go rusty like dat!" I was totally excited about the driving idea. It's time to show my parents how good I am. *which in fact I sucks. XD*
"Fine... fine..." Dad headed towards the car's passenger seat unwillingly.
"Errr.. So what's first? Hey, it's so dark I can't even see where's the key hole!" I mumbled.
"Oh god, tell me this is not real." My dad groaned again.
Finally I got my car engine ignited, and reversed my car out of the garage.
"Okay okay.. Relax! Slow and easy, okay?"
"Er, coz there's no cars?"
"YOU STILL HAVE TO BRAKE! *&*^&%^%$^$!!!"
So I drove as slow as a tortoise, and luckily avoided all those possible harms.
The moment I got home.
All my dad's mumbling was, "Dangerous. She's dangerous...... God..."
And he kept shaking his head.
I was pretty much excited about the driving thing and I said, "Hey, dad! That's great! Can I drive more??"
"Don't you dare." I think dad's gonna have headaches now. hahaha.