Wednesday, February 11, 2009

SMKSI2's Sports Day!

Yue just smsed Ying & I to date us out. :D
It was SMKSI 2's Sports Day.

Yue worked until 5.30pm, so we went there around that time.
Too bad there was no more sports event to enjoy about. :(
We were too late! Ppl were going home and though hundreds of them were still waiting for the prize giving ceremony.

The results for year 2009:
1st: Jupiter
2nd: Mars
3rd: Pluto
4th: Venus

Ishh. :(
Why Venus always got the last place. HATE DAT!
[ps: just being bitter coz I was in Venus 5 years in SMKSI2. XD]

Great to be in the school again! No much changes, just kinda afraid of seeing those teachers! Coz we might be considered sexy in their eyes. XD

Ying Ying was there! Weird dat she didn't join any competition. She was totally awesome in sports! Nice chatting with her. Too bad she doesn't let me take her pics. :(((

Another way round. ^^

Owh yea, so that's it! :D


Anonymous said...

yer.. you guys got to go~!!! lol.. must have been fun going back there.. kakaka.. see anyone, or anything interesting?? apart from three nuts walking around looking like they don't belong lar.. kakaka

♥ violinistxixi ♥ said...

Haha. We saw Cikgu Zubir and Uzair. Dat silly uzair working in The Store now. Dunno which department. XDDD Owh yea, and Zulkifli. Yue arrived earlier, she said she met Imran and waved to him. XD