Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kitty The Toe-Biter.

Kitties seem to flood the hostel area this semester.
As much as I could recalled, there were just dogs around the neighbourhood, but this time, 2 kitties patrolled around my hostel gate everyday!

And mind you, these kitties have style!
Usually the kitties in Malaysia will try to duck or run away when you walk towards them right?
These 2 kitties aren't the same.
I walk towards them, they STOMP towards me with a fierce determination in their eyes!
Omg quite scary. Ahaha.

And you know what? This kitty try to eat my toes this morning! As well as Miki's! I guess it's really starving. Or maybe that's its way to make friends?

The sullen looking kitty. Always look so emo. Aha! This is the look it always wear when it marches towards me. Wuuu. super scary. =.='''

This morning I didn't just walk away when it marched towards me. Coz I wanted to see what it would do. And it headed right towards my feet and bite! LOL!!!
I guess I'm a huge piece of meat for it. XD

It heading towards my toes. O.o *Kitty: target spotted*

Miki came out from the hostel right after me and I immediately said, "Miki, watch out! It bites!"
Haha.. but Miki the cat lover just laughed and the kitty turned and stomped towards her, its new victim.
It headed right towards her toes too, and bit!
Ahaha... Both of us laughed. XDD

See the snarling kitty, it probably thought my hp was some sort of food.

Gloomy kitty looking morose watching us leaving for breakfast. Haha...

Had Wantan for breakfast! ^^ Miki even bought a Pao for the kitty, but sadly the kitten was no where in sight when we got back to the hostel. Maybe next time then. :))

Event's coming! Lalalalalala!!!!!

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