Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Jolly New Year Eve!

It was the last day Zi Ying will be in Kemaman. :'(
So we tried to spend time together as much as we can.
Sin Yue's working, so Chia Ying, Zi Ying and me gathered at my house.

We watched "L Change The World" while Zi Ying was busy blogging using my computer. Haha.
I swore that the movie was the nicest Japanese movie I had seen so far.
I L. Lawleit!!!!!!!
In Death Note 1 and 2, I fell in love with L because he was damn good in EVERYTHING, and I think the way he acted was really unique and somehow adorable. Haha.
In L Change The World, I fell more and more in love with him because he was so sweet. :DDDDD
I love sweet guys. Hehe.

After that, Zi Ying and I tried out the Gypsy Air by Sarasate.
She played the piano part and I played the violin part. XDDD
It was fun!!!

We went outside and grabbed Zi Ying's bike to take pics. I was about to take my bike out but Zi Ying was faster. So... :'( I was the photographer. Sob!!!
Hehe... :') Later Zi Ying gave my bike back to me! ^^
Add Chia Ying!
Me and Ying! I love dis pic!
Haha. Zi Ying always like to hug ppl!
Posing with Chia Ying's Kancil! :)))))
The owner and Zi Ying modelling the car. XDDDD
Chia Ying suggested to take pictures in my garden. We tried to take the pics when the breeze came whistling by. It wasn't too easy!
First try, my hair did fly a bit but not Chia Ying's.
2nd try, din fuy at all.
Mine got messy but not Chia Ying's. XD
Finally succeeded!!! :))))
Double Ying in my garden. hehe.
We squatted down for a nice pic! ;D

Going for countdown tonight! :) Looking forward to it!

Happy New Year 2009 everyone!!!

Belated Birthday Pictures! ^^

:) Chia Ying owed me birthday pictures and she paid it back today!
Haha. Thanks dear!
I used her camera to take pictures on my birthday!
Just love those pics!

Check out the wonderful cake from Secret Recipe. 91 Gengz forever!

Lovely love cake with candle on it!

This one without candle. hehe.

Me and adorable Ying yinggg~

Thanks Hui Xin and Boon Chien! :) *Kiss*

Thank you Shuh Hong, Yunn Li and Wan Ching for coming and celebrate my birthday with me! Love you guys!

Lol. Group pictures taken by the clumsy guy. Lots of shots. XD

Dear Liang and Jiang! :) Brothers! :) Thanks for coming!!!

Love dis pic. Thx Zi!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tagged! :)

1) At what age do you wish to marry?
- Uhm.. Around 25 or 26 I guess. :) Definitely not after 30. hehe.

2) If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
- Baby, let's go date!

3) If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
- Blog buddies? Can I take someone other than blog buddies? Haha. Uhm.. Chia Ying, Zi Ying and Sin Yue I think. :) Love them!

4) Where is the place you want to go the most and with whom?
- I want to go see a movie with the guy I love! ^^

5) If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
- Becoming a professional musician. :)

6) Do you believe you can survive without money?
- Lol, i don't, because I need money for FOOD!

7) What are you afraid to lose the most?
- People I love.

8) If you win 1 million, what would you do?
- Give half of it to the poor around the world, quarter for my family and quarter for myself. XD I don't need that much because I want to use the money I earn myself.

9) If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
- I'll see if it can work out between us. If it's possible, yea, I will. ^^

10) List out the good points of the person who tagged you.
- Bryan! Haha. He's vry nice!! :))

11) What am i doing now?
- Answering the Tag la. What else? Duh~ Haha.

12) Which type of person do you hate the most?
- Liars and fakers.

13) What is your ambition?
- Musician.

14) What is the worst thing you ever experienced?
- Death of my beloved family member.

15) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Love and Family

16) Are you a shopaholic or not?
- Kinda. When I go to KL or Kuantan, yea. Haha.

17) What do you see when you look into a mirror?
- ME!!! :)

18) Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
- Uhm.. Chia Ying? and someone else. hehe. shhhh...

19) What is your desired age to lose ur virginity?
- The day I got married. hehe.

20) What are you afraid of?
- Ghosts [sometimes], Thunders, Mouse, Bugs, Darkness!

Tag 8 people:

Yong Lin
Chia Ying
Sin Yue
Zi Ying
Khai Leng
Hui Sean
Jee Hui

Monday, December 29, 2008

Bleeding Heart.

I don't use blog to express myself.
Coz I like to have my life private.
And I dun nid compassion from anyone.
I won't show anyone if I was really sad or anything.
Sometimes if I am smiling, u will never know dat I cry for so many days, and that actually I really feel like crying dat time too.

That's me.

Happiness Tag By Loe Loe! ^^

Thanks Ee Loe for tagging me! Haha. I'll spread the love through the Happiness Tag~

幸福套餐 NO。1
01 你的绰号 : Vitamin C, 宝 宝,希 希
02 年龄 : 17
03 生日 : 12月26日1991年
04 星座 : 山 羊 座 Capricorn
05 兴趣 : 拉 小 提 琴、 上 网、 阅 读、 写 部 落 格。
06 专长 : 爱 我 想 爱 的 人 ^^

幸福套餐 NO。2
01 你有没有喜欢的人? :
02 是否在交往? :
03 现在幸福吗? : 不 错
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事? : 想 向 我 爱 的 人 们 大 声 说 " 我 爱 你 们!”
05 如果有天,你爱的人跟你告白的话? : 那 是 秘 密.. ^^

幸福套餐 NO。3
01 点你的人是: Loeloe 宝 贝
02 他是你的 : 关 丹 音 乐 学 院 认 识 的 朋 友
03 他的个性? : 很 可 爱, 率 直 吧。。。 哈 哈。。
04 认识他多久? : 嗯。。。 我 也 不 清 楚。 ^^
05 你觉得他怎样? : 甜 甜 的, 很 自 然。
06 你想对他说什么 : 我 去 关 丹 时 希 望 见 到 你 哦!

幸福套餐 NO。4
01 最爱的节目 : 不 好 意 思, 我 没 有 特 别 喜 欢 的 节 目。 XD
02 最爱的音乐 : 能 够 启 发 人 类 的 古 典 音 乐、 抒 情 又 带 点 忧 伤 的 歌。
03 最爱的季节 : 春 天。 我 爱 花!!!
04 最爱的卡通 :Doraemon, 虽 然 看 起 来 满 幼 稚, 但 其 实 它 的 故 事 很 有 意 思。
05 最爱的人 : 家人 及 他
06 最 爱 的 动 物 :
07 最爱的国家 : 日 本, 我 爱 它 的 樱 花、Geisha 及 文 化。
08 最爱的天气 : 有 着 温 熙 阳 光 的 晴 天。

幸福套餐 NO。5
01 如果上天给你三个愿望:
第一个愿望: 我 爱 的 人 都 健 健 康 康
第二个奢望: 我 想 成 为 一 个 很 勇 敢 的 人。
第三个梦想: 周围的人都能健健康康。
02 你是很专一的人吗 : 是 吧。
03 最深刻的回忆? : 和 我 爱 的 人 及 家 人 渡 过 的 美 好 时 光。
04 你是个很有信心的人吗? : 还不错。
05 你很爱微笑吗 : 当 然 爱! 微 笑 是 我 生 活 中 的 必 备 品!
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗 : 不 要, 无 端 端 干 吗 放 弃? 哈 哈。
07 妄想什么样的生活 : 没 什 么 妄 想 的。 我 喜 欢 实 实 在 在 的 生 活。
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱 : 不是。那是自私![LOE, 我 和 你 想 法 一 样。:) ]

调卷到此结束‘点人者请至于被点者的留言版’ 告知被点名了。请列出于十位被点者:
1) Hui Sean
2) Chia Ying
3) Jee Hui
4) Khai Leng
5) Sin Yue
6) James
7) Eben
8) Aldrich
9) Evonne
10) Kelvin
11) Yong Lin

Sunday, December 28, 2008

All The Best Jiang!

I just came back from Jiang's house.
I went there with Zi Ying around 6pm.
It was nice of Jiang to ask us there. He will go S'pore soon to study for A level in Victoria Junior College. He got scholarship, wow. :)
I am happy for him, but at the same time, it's still a sad thing to think that my best guy friend will be leaving. :((
Good luck Jiang in Singapore! And at the same time, Good luck to Zi Ying too in Taylor College!
I will miss both of u. :'(

Just ask me out whenever u guys got vacation. ^^
Friendship forever. :')

Belated Birthday Visit ^^

Princess Hui Sean and Princess Jee Hui came to my house yesterday.
I would call that a belated birthday visit.

Hui Sean reached my house first around 3 something in the afternoon.
She got my whole pile of SPM reference books and shocked me by saying, "Why are there so little books?"
I stared at her, hello, there were about 20++ thick reference books of all kind of subjects okay?
Haha.. She went to Zhen Wei's house to get a few of his reference books too.
I accompanied her. XDD [OMG Sean, don't study so much la, later get old faster. Hehe.]

While waiting for Jee Hui, I took some pictures with Sean Kingston. :)) She was really funny. Every picture taken she would say, "Enough, enough. That's too ugly, must delete it!"
I took a lot, and deleted a lot and finally got some which she thought they looked OK. Haha.

Me with my beloved bear and Sean with my PIGGY!

Urh. Haha. We are not gud posers.

Sean loves dis pic most. Eheheee.. Her usual CUTE pic. :))) [I like it too!]

Jee Hui came around 4 something, without having lunch. O.o!!!
Haha.. Guess what was her lunch yesterday?
Uhumm.. Some soft sweets, fruity flavour.
I stole some of her lunch too! Blame my sweet tooth. ^^
There was a strawberry sweet which looks like a REAL strawberry, just dat it was kinda flat on the other side.
I was just about to eat it and suddenly wanted to take a picture with it like dis:

Haha.. Image spoiled again. I know I look scary. Haih... Anyway, just to show you all that, the sweet looks like my tongue sticking out and my tongue was poisoned so there were 2 colours, green and red on it. O.o!!!

Thanks to the timer mode, we managed to get a nice shot of 3 of us!

Me and Jee Hui. At first we took an almost-the-same pic from my angle, but Jee Hui looked like she was licking my shoulder, so we quickly deleted the pic! Haha.

We try to act like a pig. First try. =.=!!!
2nd try. Urhm.. Not really successful. XD

Sean was our photographer. She was so crazy that whenever she took a pic of us two, she would turned the camera and took her own pics. XDDD
Jee Hui went back around 5 something. Khai Leng dropped by to give me my Memory Book. :) I wanted to take a picture with her. Too bad her mum and brother were in the car. Haha. I walked out to get the book from her.
Her little brother scrolled down the window when he saw me.
When I turned my back, I heard him saying, in an amazed tone. "Jie, why your friend so tall one!" Haha.. XDDD
Sean hid her present somewhere I didn't know. ;D
She took it out and gave it to me. Haha. Thanks Dear Sean Kingston! Kissies and Huggies! XD

Around 7 something, Sean left too. I helped her with the books. XDDD

Thanks dears for coming! Just drop by any time you want, I'll be glad to chat with you all!!!

Khai Leng, hope next time you can come too lo! Love you!

Have a nice day everyone!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Awesome Presents I'll Treasure Always.

Lol. Thanks my dear friends for the wonderful present!!!!

Thanks Chia Ying for the nice nice nice golden Vincci necklace dat consists of a single alphabet "X", indicating my name Xi.

Thanks to Boon Chien and Hui Xin. For the cute presents!
It looks like Coca Cola but it's wet wiper.
The bracelet.
Thanks Sin Yue for the love-shaped necklace!

Boon Chien and Hui Xin again! Thanks for the Star-shaped necklace!!!

Thanks to Ehaun, Wan Ching, Yunn Li and Shuh Hong for the PIGGY soft toy!
omg, i look so fat trying to act like the pig. haha.
Try to act like the dog, but my face not chubby enough. Thanks to Ehaun, Wan Ching, Yunn Li and Shuh Hong again!
Thanks dear Zi Ying for the photo frame and the nice nice nice keychain!

I'll treasure them and keep and use them well!!! THANKS MY FRIENDS!!! Haha.