Sunday, January 11, 2009

Skirt ♥

I used to be a tomboyish girl.
I detested skirts as they were totally unconvenient for me.
I wanna run, I wanna jump, I wanna squat down, I wanna do lots of rough things.
The soundest thing to do is TO WEAR PANTS!
I got quite a lot of pants, short ones, long ones, 3-quarter ones.

Skirt? Ugh, only 1, which I try not to wear.
My mum nagged me all the time, imperiling me that she would not buy me any skirts for me since I just dump them aside.
I was like, "Okayyyy, watever~" XD
Haha, and that always piss her off. *Sowwie mum*

The queer thing is, I began to like skirts when I turned 17.
Yea yea, just RECENTLY. XD
Dun ask me why, I dunno it too.
I guess I am not desirable to act hoydenish anymore. ^^

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