Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When Yingz meet the waiters and waitresses. XD

Jia Wei drove 8 of us out to Geliga Bus Station today to send off Hui Xin.
She would be going to PLKN at Muadzam Shah.

The moment we got back to school, I was like WAT?! when I saw Yingz sitting idlely at my seat. Lol. So she got there with Senior Wei Jian. XD

wth la.. she had to bear with our prison-like class, and everybody there looked like waiters and waitresses..... T.T
Stupid uniform la, wat else? T.T

See my UGLY uniform. T.T

Ahaha.. Silly Uzair's face so dark~~~

Me and Adelyn!

I dunno wat am I doing.

Shuh Hong with her new hairstyle~ ^^

Chris... :)

Qian!!! ^^ Qiro Qiro~~

Ah Rong Rong~~

DiMolest... T.T

Black & White. Gangsters.

Jia Wei~ :DD

Han Sian, the prim and proper side of him.
But then, he decided Gangster pose is better. Zzzzz... XD

Yingz pinned her Pas Pelawat on my bob tail. :'(( Lol.

Wait a minute, since when Rong's taller than me??

He cheated... ZZzz... Check out his feet, he's standing on tip toe! ^^

Haha... Soon after that, me and Yingz hung around with Wei Jian. XDD
A picture of the driver! ^^

That's all for the morning! ^^

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