Monday, November 9, 2009

Barbie The Dream Catcher.

I said we were going to visit Barbie the next day right? We did. :)

There were altogether about 6 floors, or 7? Around that.
You could find clothes corner, photography session, make up corner, modelling corner, kids corner, Barbie Fashion Model Collection corner and a cafe.

It was mainly pink. :) Once we got in, they asked us to take picture and we could choose crowns and stuff to wear. We made a keychain each. ^^ Gonna show you guys at the end of the post.
We bought some clothes there, there was sales, so it wasn't too expensive. :)
Here were the pics!!!

Okay, so there was the great Barbie trip. And on the way back, we bought some nice tarts at Lilian Cake shop.
I love the string of words it put. "MAYBE Lilian Cake is the best tart in Shanghai."
Refer to the pic! ^^

The tart felt like it was melting in my mouth. I couldn't really describe it, you just have to try it out yourself. OMG. XD
So here's the keychain, and we LOVE it..

:) More to come.

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