Thursday, September 30, 2010

Crazy Girls Back In Action.

:D Haha.. miss me, ppl?
I feel good to be back too. The stress is killing me. :(

Not going to post as much long picture-filled posts as before, maybe just sometimes. :D

Say hi to Xing Zhu! ^^ My China besties a.k.a the Expression Queen. Teehee.
I love her thick fringe! Look super cute on her.

My camera tak boleh tahan her cuteness. hahaha~ went blur. XD

Sayang her~ :DDDD

She insisted to stay behind me coz she said her face's too big. LOL.

Very short post eh~ :D My posts will be mainly this way from now on. Teehee.
I'll only write long posts when I have free time. ^^
So now.. next post! :D

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