Thursday, September 30, 2010


Omg I love my piano-accompanying teacher! :DDD
She's like the nicest teacher ever!
I got a packet 3 in 1 Hai Peng coffee for her today and we ended up chatting for an hour before going for lunch together at school canteen. ^^
She treats me like I'm her own daughter and listens to every craps I say. T.T 感动~~
I love her! ^^

Tried out the violet cons I bought yesterday. ^^ It makes me look sorta dolly, don't you think? The colour isn't that obvious coz it's a very dark violet, but the pattern is Scottish! :D Just if you notice. ^^

With the bow hairclip I bought at a very cute lil shop weeks ago with Miki! :D

Muka hyper I. :D

Tidier brow and dolly eyes! Aha! Makes me look more like a kid. Apa ni. XDD I'm the Expression Girl. Lalala! ^^

Holidays coming!!!! ^^ Planning a huge renovation for my room together with Miki! :DDD Can't wait! :DDDDD

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