Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rainy Day + Browy Day.

On a date with Xing Zhu for the whole morning until afternoon. :)
She brought me to Parkson and I experienced the super painful eyebrow shaping at Benefit's Browbar using the beeswax. XD
But I like the end result though. Much more tidier! Aha!

Then we went next to the spec city, or that's what Xing Zhu called it, coz there were hundreds of shops selling specs at the same area. O.o
She wanted to buy some contact lens and also add the lens for her spec frame.

I ended up buying contact lenses too! :D Super cheap and pretty! ^^

On the way back at the lrt station. Outside was raining cats and dogs. Super tired!

Dropped onto my bed when I got home and went to sleep immediately. XD So very exhausted. :)

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